Friday, 26 October 2012

whats an image?

When we save images there are several different formats you can save it in, but what does this really mean?
JPEG stands for Joint photographic expert group, this is useful if you wont to save an image because it saves the image to the standard of a professional photographer.
GIF is associated with the internet as oppossed to photography , it stands for graphics interchange format.GIF also supports animations.
PNG stands for portable network graphics it was developed as an alternative to GIF, dispalying more elegance in photos than GIF.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Transfering images between phones

phones nowadays have almost replaced cameras especially now the quality of phone cameras is so good and its alot easier to share your photos with your friends and family on a mobile phone.
there are multiple ways to send images not just mms.

Bluetooth is a very common way to send images you just need both phones to have bluetooth which most do, its very simple and straight forward to do, you just turn your bluetooth on connect with theres then send the data.

If you have internet access on your phone you can very quickly send an email to the person your wishing to show the image too you just attach the image to the email , or you can upload it (facebook,myspace and twitter) and aslong as they have internet access they can look at it.
Infrared is very like bluetooth you can wirelessly send data to other moblies or computers, it has a shorted range than bluetooth, but is still usefull quick and easy.

USB connection is a usb wire which you put into your phone and you can put into your computer to send the data.
Memory cards are small cards that go into your mobile phones and store the data if you save your data on to there and then put the memory card in another phone they can view your image.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Designing mobile phones

When companies design mobile phones generally its either a business phone or a fashion phone they have very different uses and can look very different. A business phone will look sleek,large screen and normally in black , some of its features can be internet access, GPS,PDA, the ability to connect with laptops and notebooks , camera,3G/4G and voice activation.

And then theres fashion phones these phones are typically very customised , come in various colours, have the ability to store large amounts of data and play music loud

Buying an iphone 5

I have gone online looked at all the different network providers for the iphone 5 and i can now see that the cheapest one works out as O2 46 a month the phones free and unlimited minutes 2GB of internet and unlimited texts.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Mobile phone networks

Nowadays there are plenty of different companies that provide mobile phone networks, you've got plenty of choice.
  • Tesco mobile
  • Vodafone
  • O2
  • Orange
  • Three
  • Virgin Mobile
  • Giff Gaff
  • Talk mobile
  • Lebara mobile
List of all service providers,
  • O2
  • sky broadband
  • Virgin Media
  • Bt group
  • Updata
  • Plus net
  • Talk Talk
  • AOL
  • Orange
  • Be unlimited
  • Three
List of all phone manafcatures in the uk,
  • Blackberry
  • Acer
  • LG
  • Nokia
  • O2
  • Samsung
  • Toshiba
  • Google
  • Vodafone
  • Sonim
  • Zte
  • Dell, Htc
  • Apple
  • hp
  • Palm
  • Orange
  • Ino
  • I-mate
  • huawei
  • actel.lucent
  • Sony Erricson
  • Sony

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Which computer?

Theres many different types of computers that suit different people depending on your lifestyle of job.

If you were a traffic warden then I would say a PDA is appropriate for you cause your job is mostly outside so a computer or a laptop pr netbook just wouldnt work.
If you are a teacher i would advise a laptop because then any work youve done at school you can take home or just around the school (from classroom to staff room).

If you are a gp and are staying in the same building through out your day than a desktop would suit you.

If your a news reporter a netbook or PDA , PDA you can take on your person everywhere but a netbook if you are writting up a news report and you can email it , nowadays there are plently of places with free wifi.

If you are a website designer then i would say a notebook there small so easy to take to a clients house or office and they do exactly the same as a laptop does just comapct.

How a mobile phone works?

How a mobile phone works

when you ring someone it sends out a signal to the nearest phone mast and then to a base switching centre and then to a mobile switching centre and then to the phone mast nearest the person there calling and then to there phone.