Thursday, 15 November 2012

Virtual Learning Enviroments

Disadvantages of virtual learning
  • Not all students have computer access at home.
  • Not all students can use computers very well.
  • Some students may forget there passwords.
  • If students are contsantly learning on computers, then things like spelling, grammar and handwritting may be effected.
  • Some students dont learn to the best of thier ability in the style of online learning.
Some students may experience cyber bullying.

Bedford college Virtual learning enviroments in compariason to my previous schools are much better and if all schools vle were to the standard of bedfords college then it would be fine, but previously teachers had not kept up with updating them and using them.

Whats the difference between IMPA4 and POP3?

POP3 is a protocol to download and locally store your emails wen your client connects it will download all mail stored in your mailbox and save it to your hard disk. It will then delete the copy that is kept on servers. POP3 is good if you want to keep all your emails in your sent box.

IMAP4 is a protocol used to access the contence of your mail box on the server in real time you can open mails , delete messages , store/save messages from the server and use the system as normal the main difference between them is that all messages are saved ans stored on the server not on your local computer.
so IMAP4 is good if you have multiple computers of devices (iphone/blackberry).

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Online marketing the future?

I remember not that long ago when you wanted to buy something you went into town and went shopping but nowadays its all at a click of a button why leave your warm comfortable house when you can just sit at home looking at the on line catalogues at just a click of a button its all so simple now, but for companies like Argos it leaves them in a sticky situation, because of competition from big on line traders like amazon, they just make it so easy why would you want to do anything else? even going through a catalogue at home is allot less appealing ,on line shopping has lots of features that catalogue shopping don't such as , discounts being able to tell if something is out of stock immediately, being able top sort your such by cheapest price , size and even showing you things that you might like , on line shopping is just more convenient and if companies don't adapt then they will undoubtedly loss allot of money.

Using your mobile in public places

Nowadays everywhere you look people are on there mobile phones either talking, texting, pinging , tweeting or using other varies different ways to communicate but is this right? in the case of one store they've baned talking on your phone whilst your being served and i think this is right people are too involved in whats going on in there phones so most of the time were all quite unaware of whats going on around us in the real world, but i think the reality of this situation is mobile phones are very very important to modern day life and too allot of people and i regrettably have to include myself in this they are a necessity and they are very useful so its not such a bad thing, all i think is people still should make time in there lives for good old fashion face to face talking.

4G what effects will it have?

4G is the latest thing too happen to mobile phones, it will effect now around 20 million people across 16 cities but in time will be all across the U.K, i thought that 3G was fast especially for a mobile phone but 4G will be 5 times faster than 3G! This means things like watching DH movies on line will be easy on your mobile phone , there will be no more buffering or freezing.

Right now the only network offering 4G is EE (everything everywhere) and at very high prices and the only people it will work for is people who live in one of the 16 cities, its still early days but the future for 4G is promising, and at the moment the pricing may be high but as more and more companies take 4G on the more competitive it will become and so it will naturally become allot cheaper.